About me
I am a researcher in the VMware Research Group.I am interested in the theory and practice of parallel and distributed systems, including reliable storage, transactional memory, reconfiguration, byzantine agreement, blockchains, cryptography and cryptocurrency.
Before joining VMware research, I did a PhD at the Technion, where I worked with Prof. Idit Keidar. I received my BSc in Electrical Engineering at the Technion in 2013 (Graduated Summa Cum Laude).
My CV is available here.
Conference Publications
A. Berger, I. Keidar, and A. Spiegelman - Integrated Bounds for Disintegrated Storage (DISC'18)
I. Abraham, D. Malkhi, K. Nayak, L. Ren, and A. Spiegelman - Solida: A Blockchain Protocol Based on Reconfigurable Byzantine Consensus (OPODIS 2017)
A. Spiegelman, I. Keidar, and D. Malkhi - Dynamic Reconfiguration: Abstraction and Optimal Asynchronous Solution (DISC'17)
R. Gelashvili, I. Keidar, A. Spiegelman, and R. Wattenhofer - Towards Reduced Instruction Sets for Synchronization (Brief announcement in DISC'17)
G. Chockler and A. Spiegelman - Space Complexity of Fault-Tolerant Register Emulations (PODC'17)
A. Spiegelman and I. Keidar - On Liveness of Dynamic Storage (SIRROCO'17)
A. Spiegelman and I. Keidar - Dynamic Atomic Snapshots (OPODIS'16)
H. Howard, D. Malkhi, and A. Spiegelman - Flexible Paxos: Quorum Intersection Revisited (OPODIS'16)
A. Spiegelman, Y. Cassuto, G. Chockler, and I. Keidar - Space Bounds for Reliable Storage: Fundamental Limits of Coding (PODC'2016)
A. Spiegelman, G. Golan- Gueta, and I. Keidar - Transactional Data Structure Libraries ( Distinguished Paper in PLDI'16)
G. Chockler, D. Dobre, A. Shraer, and A. Spiegelman - Space Bounds for Reliable Multi-Writer Data Store: Inherent Cost of Read/Write Primitives (Brief announcement in DISC'2015)
Technical Reports
A. Spiegelman, I. Keidar, and Moshe Tennenholtz - Game of Coins (arXiv)
A. Spiegelman, I. Keidar, and D. Malkhi - Dynamic Reconfiguration: A tutorial (OPODIS'2015)
Teaching assistant in charge, Principles of Distributed Systems (046272).
Teaching assistant, Introduction to Probability Theory (104034).
Teaching assistant, Networking and Internet (044334).
Contact Information
Email: sashas at campus.technion.ac.il
Phone: +972-4-829-5927
Ofice: Meyer 1234